The Lone Ranger: Recut
After On Stranger Tides, a good chunk of the crew behind Pirates re-teamed for The Lone Ranger. It was a critical and financial failure, bogged down by a bloated runtime, an uneven pace and a slew of controversies. We did some pretty extensive rehab on this: we got rid of the frame narrative, cut superfluous scenes, tightened the remaining scenes and moved the color palette toward the vibrant hues we love to see in classic Westerns. The result is a lighter, leaner Lone Ranger that feels to us like the franchise debut it was meant to be. Though not fully rid of all controversial elements, it's a fun Western adventure that pays homage to the greats of the genre, contains a wallop of a final action sequence and now finally feels like it can be mentioned in the same breath as Pirates of the Caribbean.
Our Runtime: 1h 51m
Theatrical Runtime: 2h 30m
[Apologies for the lack of 5.1 Channel High Quality Audio, this will be incorporated in future edits]
The Lone Ranger: Steel & Silver
This has the same scene edits as our Lone Ranger cut, we just gave it all the black and white treatment. This is The Lone Ranger for the most serious viewers, the aficionados, the fancy folks who don't need that newfangled color imagery to appreciate some good old fashioned Western filmmaking.
Our Runtime: 1h 51m
Theatrical runtime: 2h 30m